agda lesrekta

general info

agda's chibi design
personal info
other names aggie
age 30-ish
birthday secret
race rabbit beastkin
height 5'4"
pronouns any / all
identity bi nonbinary
less personal info
role mortician
hometown to be added
relations argent will (wife)
hobbies reading,
going for night strolls,
likes chunky stew,
dislikes being touched,
being alone
other info
story appearances FFXIV
status alive
voice claim hayami saori as pramanix
mood music tanioka kumi - mag mell

agda is quiet and calm, often using as few words as (politely) possible. their line of work alienates them from most, as people don't usually enjoy spending time at a funeral home, and those who do enjoy there are often a little hard to talk to. at home, they spend most of their time reading or doing small handicrafts like knitting or whittling. agda also has an interest in precious stones, collecting them and researching them when they have the time. they have a little friend, a sentient dustbunny of sorts, named siegfried. he helps with household chores and getting things from higher shelfs, as well as pushing agda's wheelchair when needed.

their past is a bit of a mystery, however. all they really know is that they had gotten in an accident of sorts, winding up in a pit filled with demons and such. a kind adventurer saved them, bringing them back up to the surface and finding help as soon as they could, but even that much is a foggy memory to agda. between you and me, they may have gotten cursed while down there, exchanging their normally long lifespan for immediate survival. but it's not clear...

i. personality

ii. design notes

iii. motifs

iv. trivia

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