
general info

clarion's chibi design
personal info
other names clair, clairie
age 56
birthday 3 / 9
race wolf beastkin
height 6'3"
pronouns she / him
identity bisexual bigender
less personal info
role bounty hunter
hometown to be added
relations petrichor (child)
hobbies crossword puzzles,
likes meat on a bone,
short people,
dislikes liars and cheats,
high pitched sounds,
cold weather
other info
story appearances story 4 (untitled)
status alive
voice claim to be added
mood music soundtemp - into the abyss

a gruff lone wolf of a bounty hunter, clarion is a bit of a local legend around these parts. she gets jobs done quick and well, and often doesn't take full payment for her jobs, opting to leave half with whoever she was working for. no one is really sure why, and she doesn't like to tell.

she eats healthily but drinks quite heavily, and the tavern workers at her usual haunt are all big fans of how much she tips.

speaking of local legends, the job she most recently took on was to investigate one. something about a ghost haunting a crossroad, a phantom with no eyes... though when she gets to the crossroads in question, she finds not just any ghost, but the spirit of her long-missing only child.

i. personality

ii. design notes

iii. motifs

iv. trivia

v. inventory

to be added!

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