
general info

frangipanis chibi design
personal info
other names franny
age old-ish
birthday 7 / 1
race anthousai (plumeria)
height 6'2"
pronouns any
identity unlabeled
less personal info
role ringmaster
hometown to be added
relations to be added
hobbies dancing,
listening to gossip,
making costumes
likes music,
the feeling of "belonging"
dislikes isolation,
getting wet
other info
story appearances none yet
status alive
voice claim to be added
mood music to be added

a mysterious and jovial person who seems to have some kind of underlying darkness to them. that being said, they aren't like... a scary murder clown. no, no. frangipani feels that the world is a very unfair place and wants to work to rectify it, but is currently unsure how to best go about it, and therefore feels conflicted in almost every action they take. the one thing that they know for sure is that circuses make people happy, usually, so they can't be that bad.

frangipani is one of no small number of anthousai who feel that it isn't fair that they were made to fight, but born into a newly peaceful world. to be denied the very purpose for their birth is just cruel, isn't it? but that isn't to say they want to be violent, they just think... there must be some underlying meaning for that purpose, for that destiny. so whatever that true purpose was, the anthousai are owed the fulfillment of that at the very least. and frangipani will see it through, somehow, someday.

i. personality

ii. design notes

iii. motifs

iv. trivia

v. inventory

to be added!

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