
general info

mugi's chibi design
personal info
other names mugi,
age very, very old
birthday doesn't care
race artificial beastkin (chimera)
height 6'5"
pronouns he / it
identity gay trans man
less personal info
role wanderer
hometown none, really
relations kurumi, azuki, umeko, yuzu (siblings)
hobbies hiking,
listening to music,
bothering his siblings
likes red bean soup,
fur lined clothes,
old stuff
dislikes haircuts,
being grabbed or shoved,
other info
story appearances none yet
status alive
magic talent able to understand any language
arcana the hermit
voice claim kobayashi chikahiro as totter
mood music soundtemp - on your way back

an explorer of ruins who likes to collect things on his journeys. has the ability to understand any language, and be understood by anyone no matter which language he speaks in - therein lies the issue, however, of understanding what is trying to be said.

mugi is a friendly and warm person, but keeps everyone at arm's length. often times in the past, when people have found out about his ability and his long-lived life, they want to try to get him to learn some kind of ancient secrets or gossip from ages past. that, or use him to listen in on people he hasn't even met. suffice to say, he hates that, and has no interest in any of it at all. people trying to use him through all the years has worn him down, but he still tries to keep an open mind.

mugi and his siblings were made by an alchemist centuries ago, a strange person who was born with characteristics unlike any beastkin before them. they wanted a family, one with similar features, one where they wouldn't be exiled for their strangeness, and so they set out to make one. literally, making them with their own two hands out of alchemical reagents and... parts... that they had gathered. eventually, this cold parental figure passed on, but the siblings never did. they lived onwards, into the distant future...

i. personality

ii. design notes

iii. motifs

iv. trivia

v. inventory

item item info

canned soup ★☆☆

mugi's favourite red bean soup. it's sweet and comforting, better hot but perfectly fine cold.

portable radio ★☆☆

a small handheld radio. due to mugi's strange antenna-like aura, it gets signal even at the extremes of mountains and trenches.

multitool knife ★★☆

a small pocket knife that has attachments for things like a screwdriver, a can opener, and a file. you should never leave home without one.
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