luna milacek

general info

luna's chibi design
personal info
other names luna, lulu
age 26
birthday 4 / 18
race horned elf
height 5'1"
pronouns they / he
identity gay nonbinary man
less personal info
role shepherd
hometown to be named
relations to be added
hobbies knitting,
going for walks,
reading shoujo manga
likes creamy soup,
mulled drinks,
cleared pathways
dislikes having to fight off animals attacking the herd,
brushing their hair,
other info
story appearances none yet
status alive
voice claim to be added
mood music soundtemp - alpen rose

a young shepherd of magical animals living in the north-east mountains. shy, but hardworking and always willing to talk to people...! just that there's not really many around, which is ok too. loves reading about faraway lands, some real, some made up. would love to write a book someday too. he does have some insecurities about himself, namely that his heritage is hard to trace - he was raised by his grandparents, both elves, and neither of them have horns. he doesn't know where they came from, but he was born with them... it's not that anyone would be cruel towards him for it, but not knowing makes him feel a little self-conscious.

luna is a very diligent and hardworking young man, often staying up late into the night and waking up early in the day taking care of their herd. they love cooking and welcoming people in to their home, so long as the guests ask first. they're always plagued with fear and doubts about this though - what if this one will be the last guest, if you get what i mean? but luna's good heart always overtakes any worries, and he continues to welcome travelers in for a bowl of soup before they head on their way.

i. personality notes - luna was designed by lali on toyhouse!

iii. motifs

iv. trivia

v. inventory

to be added!

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