
general info

???'s chibi design
personal info
other names snake guy
age ???
birthday ???
race snake beastkin
height 6'8"
pronouns he / it
identity agender
less personal info
role ???
hometown ???
relations ???
hobbies ???
likes roasted apples
dislikes bright lights
other info
story appearances Tablespoon's Tale
status alive
voice claim to be added
mood music soundtemp - tempoison

a mysterious man, whose past, present, and future are unknown. he seems to be an important figure to some people, but no one can quite seem to place him or his memory...

[ a spoiler character for a future chapter. please wait warmly. ]

i. personality

ii. design notes

iii. motifs

iv. trivia

v. inventory

to be added!

click the images to open them in a new tab!