this page is a collection of short writings about the history of teres.
general history of teres
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many many centuries ago, perhaps more, there was a rather lackluster planet in a rather lackluster star system. it was not too unlike the planet that you live on, or the one i live on either - blue oceans, various landmasses, communities and cultures scattered around the world. often times, the people of this world didn't agree with each other, and that's fine. when it escalated violently, as it often did, nothing good would come of it; no reconcilliation, no apologies, just wedges driven further between everyone.
this was what made the planet a perfect target for an invasion of violent, resource hungry aliens. the people of this world were always distracted, unwilling to help each other even through the most mundane of everyday struggles, leaving a planet rich in natural resources but poor in community... which would make it easy pickings! these aliens were strong and ruthless, but easily thwarted; they had issued a warning before the invasion began, which was not very well thought out in the long run
the gap between the warning issued and the act itself was just long enough for another race of aliens to catch wind of the plan and formulate one of their own. the draconidiae, a race of rather insect-like dragons (by your or my standards, at least), who act as mediators and caretakers of the universe as a whole, had noticed what was happening, and sent one of their strongest to intervene.
these dragons, the strongest and fastest beings in the universe, can travel at speeds truly unimaginable to you or i, often piercing perfect holes through entire celestial bodies with little to no wayward destruction. with enough precision and calculation, they can make a perfect landing into the core of the planet they aim at. it is quite impressive, really! and so, this dragon waited for a perfect moment, one that would minimize damage, and aimed for the ocean of this planet. it did accidentally pierce through the moon as well, but it was a small price to pay in the long run.
the dragon planted itself deeply, merging with the core of the planet. certainly, it did have adverse affects all around the world - earthquakes most of all, but tidal waves, volcanic eruptions, and large scale structural collapses of cities were common as well. many people compared to to a vaccine, in that a rough fever comes in waves, but you'll be stronger after it passes. as these planetary dragons are wont to do, its tail sprouted from the entry point as a great tree, one that would come to symbolize determination in the face of adversity. the dragon gave out a rallying cry from inside the earth, reaching everyones' hearts all at once: please, don't lose hope. even if you feel powerless, always have hope, and always reach for each others' hand.
the records of what happened from here on are quite fuzzy. many people say that the original invasion was never going to happen, and that it was the dragon's plan all along, so that it could take over the planet. others say that the great tree scared off the invasion, as they understood that meant a dragon lived here now. others yet have their own stories; for there are as many stories as there are individuals, and knowing everything might not be important at the end of the day.
as it is now, this world now known as Teres is coming back to life bit by bit. the citizens of the world work to make every day a little better, and having suffered disaster after disaster, do so together. of course, there are still problems both big and small. they come and go, though. step by step, day by day, life on Teres finds a way.