
general info

zambilă's chibi design
personal info
other names no aliases
age 26
birthday 1 / 11
race human
height 5'2"
pronouns she / her
identity questioning
less personal info
role trader, ambassador
hometown to be named
relations lacus (friend)
hobbies flower pressing,
discussing ideas with friends
likes melty cheese,
soft fabrics,
dislikes windy days,
being lied to,
wearing wet clothes
other info
story appearances none yet
status alive
magic talent to be added
arcana the world
voice claim to be added
mood music to be added

a somewhat skittish but very curious young woman who was found unconscious at the entrance of mount carbunculus, having passed out from exhaustion on her travels. she was nursed back to health by the carbuncles, and given the honor of being the first non-carbuncle in history to set foot in their settlement, as well as being the one to open up trade routes between them and the outside world. she presses flowers from around the world in her journal.

zambilă hails from a large city in the more south-south-west area of teres, one where you can see mount carbunculus quite clearly from the tops of the taller buildings. she's very clever in her work, knowing the ins and outs of trading, making connections, figuring out the best solution for all involved parties. generally, she delegates work to the people she works with, working as somewhat of a manager, but she decided to strike out on her own ventures recently, something that she has always wanted to do. see the world, meet new people, share cultures and goods with others... however, she forgot to account for her own health issues, and got in a bit too far over her head.

she's doing well now, though. being the first non-carbuncle to interact with them at all, zambilă was quite nervous that she had been imposing on their kindness. however, despite the somewhat offstandish personalities of most of them, they were largely accepting of her and more than willing to lend a hand to get her back on her feet. as they nursed her back to health, the conversation of zambilă's line of work came up, and the idea of opening up avenues of trade and cultural exchange between the carbuncles and the mortal people of teres was approached too. some were excited, some were horribly against it, but overall, it was understood to be a good idea. the carbuncles are a research focused people, and this would mean more things to research... and their findings can be used to improve the outside world... and so, an agreement was reached: zambilă would travel alongside a carbuncle emissary and they would show each other the world in ways they had not yet gotten a chance to.

i. personality

ii. design notes

iii. motifs

iv. trivia

v. inventory

item item info

map ★★★

a very modern, well updated map. an absolutely crucial item for someone who travelsas much as zambilă.

camera ★★☆

a sturdy pocket-sized camera for everyday use. helpful for making note of new landmarks or obstacles, but also to remember good times with friends.

scrolls ★★★

zambilă's travel and trade records. every month or so, she returns home to store them; she goes over them annually.
click the images to open them in a new tab!